Friday, July 19, 2013

Have you noticed that...

...abrahamic-god pushers put limits on their allegedly 'omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, omnibenevolent, infinite, perfect' designer-creator-god? They often say that their so-called god can do absolutely anything but then turn around and say things like:

god created only this one universe

god created life, and especially intelligent life, only on this one planet

god didn't and can't create bad or evil things

god can't fix everything that goes wrong or that is bad or evil

god can't get rid of satan

god is perfect but designs and creates imperfect things

god had to "rest" after creating this universe

god can't die

god had to send jesus to try to fix things

god had to flood the entire Earth and kill everything "He" designed-created on Earth except what fit into a wooden boat, and start over again

before recent times, god didn't or couldn't get his 'message' to the people of the Earth who lived somewhere other than certain parts of the middle east


Can you think of any other limits that god zombies have put on their allegedly all powerful, all knowledgeable, present everywhere, benevolent everywhere and always, infinite, perfect designer-creator-god?

I would think that god pushers would be the first to claim that their so-called god could, would, and did design and create an infinite number of universes, and infinite number of life forms, an infinite number of human-occupied planets, etc.

Since 'God' is alleged to be infinite, perfect, etc., why are god pushers so anxious to put limits on "Him"?

And what's with the "He" and "Him" crap? Does 'God' have a penis?

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Darwin, evolutionary theory, Hitler, and delusional-dishonest god pushers

Are you fed up with god pushers who blame Darwin and evolutionary theory for Hitler's actions? Do you want to show them that Hitler was a god pushing creationist? If so, point them to these articles:

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

What would happen if...

...william lane craig, the pope, Davis Attenborough, and Richard Dawkins were put on a remote, oceanic island under these circumstances:

1. They have no clothes, tools, matches, phones, clocks, or anything else man-made.

2. They have no previous knowledge of the island.

3. There are no other humans on the island.

4. There is just enough shelter, materials to make crude tools, food (animals and plants) on or around the island, and fresh water on the island to survive if someone can find, understand, and properly (scientifically) use the available natural resources.

5. They're put there knowing that no one will check on them for at least 6 months.

Who would be the most fearful? Who would be quickly pleading for help from one or more of the others? Who would get busy on figuring out how to survive? Would religious beliefs and prayer be helpful to survival? Who would be a burden? Who would most likely survive? Who would you turn to for help if you were also stranded on that island?

Now, picture a similar scenario but this time the pope and craig are put on an island and Attenborough and Dawkins are put on a different, but virtually identical island. In other words, neither pair can ask for or get help from the other. Who would most likely survive? And which pair would you rather be stranded with, especially if you don't know much or anything about nature and science? Which pair would you trust with your life?